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A CHRISTMAS CAROL at Wichita's Forum Theatre

I've been cast as Fezziwig in The Forum Theatre's production of A CHRISTMAS CAROL.  It's an original version (the second year they are doing it) with songs by my cousin Paul Jackson, who also plays Scrooge.  I am getting to work with some old pals in the show, Karla Burns and Ray Wills, so it is an extra treat for me.  There are also some great actors from the Forum's production of A FUNNY THING... that I was in last October, plus Kathy Page-Hauptman is directing again and Chadwick Armstrong is doing the costumes.  It's win/win all around!  The show opens November 29 and runs Thursdays thru Saturdays at 8 PM and Sundays at 2 PM thru December 23.  You can get tickets by calling 316-618-0444 or online at the theatre's website: http://www.forumwichita.com/upcoming-events.html

And you can catch me as Herr Schultz in their production of CABARET February 14 thru March 13, 2013!  More info on that when the dates are closer.